the smooth sea will never give the good sailor

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Sejarah Kalender Hijriyah

Kalender Hijriyah atau Kalender Islam (bahasa Arab: التقويم الهجريat-taqwim al-hijri), adalah kalender yang digunakan oleh umat Islam, termasuk dalam menentukan tanggal atau bulan yang berkaitan dengan ibadah, atau hari-hari penting lainnya. Kalender ini dinamakan Kalender Hijriyah, karena pada tahun pertama kalender ini adalah tahun dimana terjadi peristiwa Hijrah-nya Nabi Muhammad dari Makkah ke Madinah, yakni pada tahun 622 M. Di beberapa negara yang berpenduduk mayoritas Islam, Kalender Hijriyah juga digunakan sebagai sistem penanggalan sehari-hari. Kalender Islam menggunakan peredaran bulan sebagai acuannya, berbeda dengan kalender biasa (kalender Masehi) yang menggunakan peredaran Matahari.
Penentuan dimulainya sebuah hari/tanggal pada Kalender Hijriyah berbeda dengan pada Kalender Masehi. Pada sistem Kalender Masehi, sebuah hari/tanggal dimulai pada pukul 00.00 waktu setempat. Namun pada sistem Kalender Hijriah, sebuah hari/tanggal dimulai ketika terbenamnya Matahari di tempat tersebut.
Kalender Hijriyah dibangun berdasarkan rata-rata silkus sinodik bulan kalender lunar (qomariyah), memiliki 12 bulan dalam setahun. Dengan menggunakan siklus sinodik bulan, bilangan hari dalam satu tahunnya adalah (12 x 29,53059 hari = 354,36708 hari).Hal inilah yang menjelaskan 1 tahun Kalender Hijriah lebih pendek sekitar 11 hari dibanding dengan 1 tahun Kalender Masehi.
Faktanya, siklus sinodik bulan bervariasi. Jumlah hari dalam satu bulan dalam Kalender Hijriah bergantung pada posisi bulan, bumi dan Matahari. Usia bulan yang mencapai 30 hari bersesuaian dengan terjadinya bulan baru (new moon) di titik apooge, yaitu jarak terjauh antara bulan dan bumi, dan pada saat yang bersamaan, bumi berada pada jarak terdekatnya dengan Matahari (perihelion). Sementara itu, satu bulan yang berlangsung 29 hari bertepatan dengan saat terjadinya bulan baru di perige (jarak terdekat bulan dengan bumi) dengan bumi berada di titik terjauhnya dari Matahari (aphelion). Dari sini terlihat bahwa usia bulan tidak tetap melainkan berubah-ubah (29 - 30 hari) sesuai dengan kedudukan ketiga benda langit tersebut (BulanBumi dan Matahari).
Penentuan awal bulan (new moon) ditandai dengan munculnya penampakan (visibilitas) Bulan Sabit pertama kali (hilal) setelah bulan baru (konjungsi atau ijtimak). Pada fase ini, Bulan terbenam sesaat setelah terbenamnya Matahari, sehingga posisi hilal berada di ufuk barat. Jika hilal tidak dapat terlihat pada hari ke-29, maka jumlah hari pada bulan tersebut dibulatkan menjadi 30 hari. Tidak ada aturan khusus bulan-bulan mana saja yang memiliki 29 hari, dan mana yang memiliki 30 hari. Semuanya tergantung pada penampakan hilal.
Penetapan kalender Hijriyah dilakukan pada jaman Khalifah Umar bin Khatab, yang menetapkan peristiwa hijrahnya Rasulullah saw dari Mekah ke Madinah. Kalender Hijriyah juga terdiri dari 12 bulan, dengan jumlah hari berkisar 29-30 hari. Penetapan 12 bulan ini sesuai dengan firman Allah Subhana Wata'ala: ”Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisi Allah ialah dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktu Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan haram. Itulah (ketetapan) agama yang lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan yang empat itu, dan perangilah kaum musyrikin itu semuanya sebagaimana mereka pun memerangi kamu semuanya; dan ketahuilah bahwasanya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertakwa.” (QS : At Taubah(9):36). Sebelumnya, orang Arab pra-kerasulan Rasulullah Muhammad SAW telah menggunakan bulan-bulan dalam kalender hijriyah ini. Hanya saja mereka tidak menetapkan ini tahun berapa, tetapi tahun apa. Misalnya saja kita mengetahui bahwa kelahiran Rasulullah SAW adalah pada tahun gajah.Abu Musa Al-Asyári sebagai salah satu gubernur di zaman Khalifah Umar r.a. menulis surat kepada Amirul Mukminin yang isinya menanyakan surat-surat dari khalifah yang tidak ada tahunnya, hanya tanggal dan bulan saja, sehingga membingungkan. Khalifah Umar lalu mengumpulkan beberapa sahabat senior waktu itu. Mereka adalah Utsman bin Affan r.a., Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a., Abdurrahman bin Auf r.a., Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas r.a., Zubair bin Awwam r.a., dan Thalhan bin Ubaidillah r.a. Mereka bermusyawarah mengenai kalender Islam. Ada yang mengusulkan berdasarkan milad Rasulullah saw. Ada juga yang mengusulkan berdasarkan pengangkatan Muhammad saw menjadi Rasul. Dan yang diterima adalah usul dari Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a. yaitu berdasarkan momentum hijrah Rasulullah SAW dari Makkah ke Yatstrib (Madinah). Maka semuanya setuju dengan usulan Ali r.a. dan ditetapkan bahwa tahun pertama dalam kalender Islam adalah pada masa hijrahnya Rasulullah saw. Sedangkan nama-nama bulan dalam kalender hijriyah ini diambil dari nama-nama bulan yang telah ada dan berlaku pada masa itu di wilayah Arab.

Penentuan kapan dimulainya tahun 1 Hijriah dilakukan 6 tahun setelah wafatnya Nabi Muhammad. Namun demikian, sistem yang mendasari Kalender Hijriah telah ada sejak zaman pra-Islam, dan sistem ini direvisi pada tahun ke-9 periode Madinah.
Sebelum datangnya Islam, di tanah Arab dikenal sistem kalender berbasis campuran antara Bulan (komariyah) maupun Matahari (syamsiyah). Peredaran bulan digunakan, dan untuk mensinkronkan dengan musim dilakukan penambahan jumlah hari (interkalasi).
Pada waktu itu, belum dikenal penomoran tahun. Sebuah tahun dikenal dengan nama peristiwa yang cukup penting pada tahun tersebut. Misalnya, tahun dimana Muhammad lahir, dikenal dengan sebutan "Tahun Gajah", karena pada waktu itu, terjadi penyerbuan Ka'bah di Mekkah oleh pasukan gajah yang dipimpin oleh Abrahah, Gubernur Yaman (salah satu provinsi Kerajaan Aksum, kini termasuk wilayah Ethiopia).
Pada era kenabian Muhammad, sistem penanggalan pra-Islam digunakan. Pada tahun ke-9 setelah Hijrah, turun ayat 36-37 Surat At-Taubah, yang melarang menambahkan hari (interkalasi) pada sistem penanggalan.
Setelah wafatnya Nabi Muhammad, diusulkan kapan dimulainya Tahun 1 Kalender Islam. Ada yang mengusulkan adalah tahun kelahiran Muhammad sebagai awal patokan penanggalan Islam. Ada yang mengusulkan pula awal patokan penanggalan Islam adalah tahun wafatnya Nabi Muhammad.
Akhirnya, pada tahun 638 M (17 H), khalifah Umar bin Khatab menetapkan awal patokan penanggalan Islam adalah tahun dimana hijrahnya Nabi Muhammad dari Mekkah ke Madinah. Penentuan awal patokan ini dilakukan setelah menghilangkan seluruh bulan-bulan tambahan (interkalasi) dalam periode 9 tahun. Tanggal 1 Muharam Tahun 1 Hijriah bertepatan dengan tanggal 16 Juli 622, dan tanggal ini bukan berarti tanggal hijrahnya Nabi Muhammad. Peristiwa hijrahnya Nabi Muhammad terjadi bulan September 622. Dokumen tertua yang menggunakan sistem Kalender Hijriah adalah papirus di Mesir pada tahun 22 H, PERF 558. sumber

Selasa, 13 November 2012

Music Therapy for Autistic Patients

Many people listen to music for entertainment, and many people play musical instruments in many parts of the world. Interestingly, music is embraced by all cultures, some dating to the ancient times. Music has the power to touch people of all cultures, races, religions, and nationalities, communicating with the masses on a deeper level. For some time now, music therapy has been successfully used to improve the functionality of people who are suffering from a broad range of emotional or cognitive problems. Music therapists have found this method to be especially effective with autistic patients of all ages. 

At this point, it's important to differentiate the difference between music therapy and music instruction. Music instruction refers to the study of music or music lessons where a person learns to play a musical instrument. Well, it can be argued that playing a musical instrument can be therapeutic but it's not the scope of music therapy. In music therapy, the therapist uses music to achieve certain individualized goals with the patient. 

What Can Music Therapy Do For Autistic Patients? 

On the most basic level, music therapy can help to improve the skills of autistic patients such as self-reliance, motor or perceptual skills, cognition, behavior, sensory issues, social skills, and communication skills. By enhancing these skills, autistic patients can integrate more easily into society. At the same time, they will also grow in confidence and learn to be more self-sufficient. To build trust and develop personal connections, it's the challenge of the music therapist to strike a chord with the autistic patient through music experiences. Due to nature of music which is both engaging and affecting, it's perfectly suited to be used as a tool to stimulate a particular response. For some reason, music has a profound effect of autistic patients so it's quite normal for them to respond positively to music therapy. Patients who are suffering from sensory aversions may find music therapy to be effective in helping them to handle auditory processing differences and sound sensibilities. 

How Do Music Therapists Work with Autistic Patients? 

Working with small groups or individuals, music therapists use a range of music and techniques to provide the right treatment to autistic patients. To develop an effective treatment strategy, the music therapist needs to analyze the autistic patient's needs and strengths. The goals and objectives of the treatments have to be laid out so that the progress of the patients can be monitored. 

A music therapist can use spontaneous musical improvisation to encourage the autistic patients to express themselves, thereby, improving their communication and social skills. For instance, the music therapist may play the guitar or even sing as the patient produces sounds. This is an effective way to give support to the patients so that they are confident enough to create their own musical language. The patient will learn the joys of two-way communication and also tap into a wider spectrum of emotions. A professional music therapist will know how to formulate developmental plans to maximize the potential of the patient.

Senin, 12 November 2012

The Best Natural Bodybuilding Supplements

Then you change things up and give your body a little while break, at least in true bicycle. This means that you wont be putting your system in danger and your muscle growth could be more natural. The time schedules and routine for cycling maybe more flexible as compared to Stacking, but it still should be achieved with a planned time frame. Although cycling comes with modification during the cycling period. 

There are actually other methods, so be sure to take some time and learn about them in detail. However, no matter which way to decide to take your supplements, it is essential that you eat and exercise properly otherwise you do not get the desired effects. If you tire your body out too much then you won't get the results you want. 

That basically describes the correct ways for using bodybuilding supplements jointly with any routines you choose to follow. 
Those who are diehard body creating buffs, and who have taken in place exercising seriously, experience body stiffness and sourness inside muscles. The pain and stiffness quite often remain for days, and or quite possibly beyond weeks. Many feel let down b this aches and pains and are dissuaded to continue to exercise. 

The recent use of supplements has changed the activity level of the body and the muscular endurance too. The supplements available these days work at hastening the healing of the muscle and improving the the circulation of blood to the region thus hastening your relief caused due to he wear and tear. It is studied that excessive activity and increased stress and strain causes very minute and fine inflammation and tear inside muscles, which is one of exactly why of the pain. With a good supply, which the health supplements augment, a number of common complaints can be ameliorated. 

These days many health buffs have chosen to vacation resort to pre-work out supplements. What are pre-work out supplements and just how do they help the body? Pre-work out supplements are just what the name suggests, to betaken before the exercise. These boost the energy within, to sustain and charge up for heavy workout. It helps longer workout without any use and tiredness of muscles. 

The pre- workout supplements are helpful for those who wish to achieve their target effortlessly. Thus with reduced pain, and increased stamina, they can workout for more time time. The outcome is in their favor, increases weight loss, and improved toning with the muscles. 

If you are looking on the perfect energy boosting workout supplements below are a few ingredients that you must check for in your product. 

Amino acids- we all are aware how especial amino acids are generally. These play an important role with energizing and developing the muscles. These also lower anemia, and increase level of the male growth hormone. 

Glutamine- Glutamine level in the body fall when your work our more. Glutamine is an efficient energizer, encourages the immunity of the body, and also helps reduce the muscle fatigue. 

Creatine- Creatine is another prominent energy booster. Helping people work put longer, these also help muscle recovery and growth. 

Pre-workout supplements help adding greater capacity and greater endurance to your workout ability. Moreover it also helps in adding the much needed flexibility to the body.

Minggu, 11 November 2012

What You Can Do to Find Your Passion

In order to find your passion, you have to undergo certain things. They may not necessarily be the first things that you think of doing, but do them anyway, as the results will always be spectacular. After all, once you discover what it is you were really meant to do in life, and once you actually fulfill your destiny, you will feel absolutely amazing, and wouldn't you want that? Here then are some tips to start you off.

1. Find your passion by looking at great art.
Art is the imitation of life, but sometimes life imitates art as well. A source of inspiration that a lot of people are inspired by is art. There are artists who didn't know that they were artists until they saw a Picasso painting. Beauty has a way of stirring the soul. Sometimes the presence of great art causes us to realize that we want to create and be in the presence of divine art. Visit museums and other art galleries so that you may fulfill your destiny to become a great artist.
2. Find your passion by volunteering for a cause.
One of the hindrances to passion is a lack of awareness. How can you be passionate about something, if you don't know what there is to be passionate about? One way to discover your true calling is to dabble in what other people are passionate about. Why are environmentalists passionate about their cause? Why are social activists willing to be arrested for the sake of freedom of speech? Maybe what you need to do to fulfill your destiny is to join a cause that you feel strongly about.

3. Find your passion by spending time with children.
Spending time with children can help you discover your passion. Children are pure and unbiased. They have the untainted wisdom of innocence. They are not concerned with the usual limitations we impose upon ourselves. Sometimes while singing to a child, she will ask you, "Why aren't you a singer?" And you too might wonder why. Maybe what you need to fulfill your destiny is encouragement from someone who believes in a world where dreams can come true.

4. Find your passion by being interested in what your friends are passionate about.
Birds of the same feather flock together. We are friends with particular people because we have something in common with them. When what you have in common with your friends is not immediately evident, try to dig deeper. Maybe your friend is involved in a cause, a career, or a business that you didn't know you'd be interested in. Give it a try. It might turn out to be something you're really good at. Fulfill your destiny by being open to trying new things.

5. Find your passion by ignoring social standards. 
We all want to passionate about something we can tell our friends about. People who are passionate about science, law, business, or medicine are admired by society. But what if you're not passionate about any of that? What if what you're really interested in are "board games?" It takes a lot of honesty for an individual to admit that he's not interested in what is society thinks he should be passionate about. However, if you want to fulfill your destiny, you have to pursue what makes you happy and not what everyone thinks you should pursue.

Discovering your passion will definitely open a lot of doors for you, doors that you never even knew existed before then. If you thought that you already had everything figured out in your life, once you actually find your true passion, you'll realize that there is so much more that you do not know and have not experienced. So go on and try to fulfill your destiny already! You most certainly deserve to!

Losing Weight Will Most Likely Not Eliminate Your Cellulite Problem

So you wish to get rid of a few extra pounds. There is a wealth of available information and you need to pick one plan that looks reasonable to you. Adopting a healthy diet and exercising regularly can be a slow way to lose weight so people often try risky ways instead. Most commonly, women are falling back to these dangerous methods as they feel pressured into being thin by society. It is more frequent for women to employ these extreme methods because of society's constant pressure to be thin. It's good to be a healthy weight, nevertheless following these methods of weight loss will result in your overall health diminishing and you will get ill. Read on to learn more about how risky these methods are.

Starvation is a usual drastic diet plan that people use even though it can cause them to feel very exhausted. You may just not eat breakfast or lunch, or maybe both meals. In your mind, you tell yourself that you're not famished even though your stomach is grumbling like crazy, screaming I want to be fed!. However, after a short while your body learns to adapt. The less you eat, the more your body becomes afraid that it won't have sufficient food so it adjusts your metabolism, slowing it down to the extent that you are scarcely burning any fat during the day. When you go back to your typical eating habits again, your metabolism will remain slower resulting in your easily storing calories, causing you to speedily gain more fat. Although you lose weight when you starve yourself, you do not lose as much as you can by following a good diet and exercise plan. Don't you think it's better to be able to eat and lose weight while staying healthy?

Starving yourself can usually lead to anorexia. You have a dread of food and turning overweight, resulting in becoming perilously thin and not eating much, if anything at all. Anorexia can cause a weaker immune system, hair loss and even demise. Adolescents usually experiment with starvation diets but, alas, when you become fixed on starving yourself, you can develop anorexia and do irreversible damage to your health.

Binge-eating syndrome is another risky weight loss method. Bulimic individuals routinely vomit after bingeing on huge amounts of food so that the calories will not add weight to their bodies. They are not scared of food as anorexics do, but they feel guilt-ridden after overindulging on large amounts of food and so they throw it back up. In comparison to anorexia and starvation where it is obvious that the person is losing weight, bulimia is difficult to detect because the weight doesn't fluctuate widely. Vomiting the food you've consumed is dangerous for your body. Your heart and other vital body parts can be gravely harmed. You can end up having stomach ulcers because of it. Your teeth and esophagus may also be ruined by the stomach acid. The acid can likewise cause damage to your throat. You can badly damage your body by throwing up your food.

For best results, choose healthy foods and eat reasonably. Ingest smaller food portions and avoid eating unhealthy foods. You can get rid of the extra pounds safely and efficiently without falling back on drastic and unsafe measures.

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

find 5 ways to vent the pressure inside

1, identify their own anger

Sometimes, we reflect on some of the symptoms in the body, such as stomach pains, dry mouth, or behavior to show some deviations, such as rear-end, forgetful. One possibility is that we are angry or repressed anger. Therefore, the first thing to learn is to know that he is not angry. When angry, we may direct expression of anger may be amended so that not so direct, and to dissatisfaction, critical, to be hidden resentment, etc., may also be more indirect expression of frustration.

2, analyze the reasons

When we perceive to anger, we need to calm down and analyze what makes us angry. Need to find is not due to specific events, but events following the breach of implied details to your bottom line. Because of damage to others, your interests, self-esteem? Or because the situation did not follow the expected development of your frustration? Or you are angry way to fight for their own interests?

3, consider the significance of their own anger

Next, you need to consider two questions - "Why (not) angry? '" (Not) angry What are the benefits? "Expression can not be angry people, often the same emotions as the flame burning, so the state hindered the self- analysis, self-awareness process.

4, to find reasons not to express anger

We often affected by a number of potential ideas and hinder our expression, it is necessary to kick them out, tidy.

5, select the appropriate expression

Alcoholism, drag racing, stirred men are all significant features of some of the anger expression, this expression often bring harm to others or themselves. Sports or watching sports is a healthy way, the anger shifted to the opponent's body to exercise or movement can be rationalized to express anger. Of course, the expression of many, the most worthy of praise is the direct expression. When the anger to be expressed at the same time, the threat of it vanished.

Healthy anger is a mechanism must ensure not to hurt yourself, do not hurt others. In fact, often angry and aggressive behavior and can not be compared, anger is a normal psychological reaction, and aggressive behavior is a kind of over-reaction, often bring unexpected consequences. The easiest way is to find a psychiatrist for a full exchange your fragile psychological feelings, let them tell you how to calm aggressive behavior can not deal with the problem.

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Roy Jones Jr. returns to Russia to rap

It was boxing, which has given him inspiration to write rap songs, multiple champion Roy Jones Jr. told RT ahead of his Russian musical tour.
When it comes to picking the best pound-for-pound boxer of all time, Roy Jones Jr. is one of the hot favorites.
The American is the ten-time belt holder in four divisions, named fighter of the decade in the 1990's and also an all-round entertainer and successful music artist.
Jones made his debut in Moscow at the age of 42, when he lost by knock-out to current WBA ‘regular’ cruiserweight champion Denis Lebedev.
But despite the defeat, he earned himself many followers in the country. 

“I love the fans and I love the support I get in Russia,”
 Jones told RT. “Having the support that I get… there are so many people that love me here and all that I do. So I try to share all of myself with them. I do basketball; I do the music; I do boxing. I try to share everything that I do with the Russian public, because they are so receptive of me."
Roy returned to a warm reception from the Russian crowd as he began his tour of the country in Moscow, performing his rap songs, making guest appearances, spending time with fans and talking about the sport that inspired his lyrics.

“I got most of my inspiration from when I would be getting ready for a fight,”
 he explained. “Certain songs would motivate me to win, to want to fight. So then I started coming up with these ideas about the people I was fighting. And that would make me want to think of a song to write to just get my mind right coming into the fight, and that’s what kind of got me started.”
It's safe to say that no one in Russia will forget about Jones any time soon, either as a singer or as a boxer, while there could be fewer fighters from his own country that could soon fill his shoes.

“The decline [in American] boxing starts from the amateur level because more guys are doing mixed martial arts now than just regular boxing,”
 the 43-year-old stressed. “So you don’t get the kids in the gym learning to box, like they did back in the old days. In the old days … I started at ten years old and came up boxing. It’s hard to beat me at boxing because that’s what I did my whole life.”
During his impressive career, Jones has held 63 bouts, winning 55 of them and collecting 40 knockouts.

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is a disease caused by taking lots of tension. This happens when you keep on thinking continuously about a variety of matters. In High Blood Pressure, the blood circulation pressure increases in the walls of the blood arteries. 

High Blood Pressure can be categorized according to the reason of this disease. The Hypertension caused without any other disease is a primary stage.. While the High Blood Pressure caused due to any kidney disease is categorized as the secondary stage. The primary stage of High Blood Pressure is more common than the secondary one. 

The High Blood Pressure can have hazardous results on your health. This can cause various other serious problems such as heart attack, reduction in the blood pumping through heart, hypertrophy or the increase in the size of an organ resulting from the thickening or stretching of blood tissue, brain problems, artery disease and lots more. 

High Blood Pressure is a major health problem in the world. Every year lots of people become the victim of this disease. Many of the High Blood Pressure cases are not curable. Still, the further increase in High Blood Pressure can be avoided by medication and diet control. Every person suffering from High Blood Pressure has to take complete medical aid and avoid eating oily or high cholesterol food. 

High blood pressure is quite common in men and women. Till the age limit of 55, this disease is common in both species. But, around the age of 75, High Blood Pressure becomes more common in women as compared to men. Well, High Blood Pressure can be avoided if people don’t take unnecessary tensions.

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Ways To Prevent Gout

Danger of protein imbalance

In animals given incomplete proteins or diets lacking any of the essential amino acids, the production of uric acid increases. Similarly, if separate amino acids are fed and too much of some and too little of others allowed, again the blood uric acid soars. The amino acids from the proteins we eat become the building blocks of which body tissues are made, but it now appears I that all ten of the amino acids the body cannot synthesize must be available at the same time and in roughly the proportion found in human tissues.

When the most common amino acid, glycine, is radio actively labeled and fed to animals or humans, it can be recovered from the blood and urine as uric acid. Further- more, persons with gout change labeled glycine into uric acid much more quickly than do normal individuals. This change appears to be the means by which the body rids itself of a waste product when many incomplete proteins have been eaten. Any person with gout, therefore, should be particularly careful to obtain complete proteins; and gelatin, which lacks several essential amino acids but supplies excessive amounts of glycine, should be strictly avoided.

During periods of quiescence, the body produces much smaller quantities of uric acid. At such times, however, large amounts of uric acid have been injected into gouty persons without bringing on an attack. One reason appears to be that normally much of the uric acid produced passes into the intestine and is utilized by bacteria, but the amount of uric acid disposed of in this manner depends on the bacterial growth. If the bacteria are destroyed by oral antibiotics, the amount of uric acid in the blood immediately increases.

Such a finding indicates that the individuals with gout should insure the growth of intestinal bacteria by the generous use of yogurt and/or acidophil us milk or culture.

Role of intestinal bacteria

During periods of quiescence, the body produces much smaller quantities of uric acid. At such times, however, large amounts of uric acid have been injected into gouty persons without bringing on an attack. One reason appears to be that normally much of the uric acid produced passes into the intestine and is utilized by bacteria, but the amount of uric acid disposed of in this manner depends on the bacterial growth. If the bacteria are destroyed by oral antibiotics, the amount of uric acid in the blood immediately increases.

Such a finding indicates that the individuals with gout should insure the growth of intestinal bacteria by the generous use of yogurt and/or acidophil us milk or culture.

Psychosomatic causes

Psychological stresses are far more frequently the cause of gout than is generally recognized. Unfortunately physicians frequently overlook psychosomatic diseases or lack knowledge of them. 

Men are instinctively the fighters of the race and are often sufficiently angered to fight- sometimes unconsciously - but are in situations where they dare not. The gout is more prevalent in men than in women, and why, since fighting and kicking are done with hands and feet, it more often afflicts the extremities than other parts of the body. When such persons are angered, they should work out on a punching bag or hurriedly arrange to play football before the stress of their emotions has had time to cause the destruction of body proteins.

Diet for gout

Unfortunately, the diet customarily recommended for gout completely ignores the needs of stress. Its emphasis is on restricting purines, the substances in cell nuclei from which uric acid is formed; hence it is made up of foods which contain few cells. Because liver, yeast, wheat germ, and whole-grain breads and cereals are forbidden, such a diet is extremely deficient in B vitamins and almost devoid of vitamin E and pantothenic acid. Furthermore, medical investigators--though not practitioners--now agree that the tiny amount of uric acid in foods is insignificant; and that the uric acid which causes gout is formed in the body from the breakdown of tissue proteins and has never been proved to come from foods.

Not only do stress and the pain of gout quickly exhaust the adrenals, but also inflammation (caused by the uric-acid crystals) invariably indicates that too little cortisone is being produced. Giving cortisone for this disease "has proved to be of great value." The dietary approach, therefore, must be to help the adrenals produce cortisone by eating large amounts of liver, yeast, wheat germ, yogurt or acidophilus, and green leafy vegetables; and by taking the anti-stress formula around the clock during the acute stage. Usually such a diet brings marked improvement in two or three days. Persons fearful of deviating from a low-purine diet should at least obtain generous supplements of all vitamins, especially of vitamin E and the B group.

A urine made alkaline by a high intake of fruits, vegetables, and juices, particularly orange juice, helps to keep the uric-acid crystals in solution and to facilitate their excretion. During gout attacks 3 quarts of liquid daily are usually recommended to carry off the uric-acid crystals, but recovery is more rapid if juices and milk are drunk instead of water. Although any food can be eaten provided it builds health, incomplete proteins such as corn, dry beans, lentils, and cereals should be taken only with milk, eggs, cheese, and/or meats, to prevent an amino-acid imbalance.

If the person who has once had gout keeps his diet unusually adequate, further attacks can often be prevented. He should eliminate as much stress from his life as possible, but, like an individual subject to ulcers, he would probably be wise to keep vitamin C and pantothenic acid with him at all times and to take them with protein every two or three hours during periods when he is emotionally upset.

Rabu, 07 November 2012

Hypnosis and the Internet

If you know anything at all about hypnosis, then you are probably aware that there are many different ways to learn how to hypnotize yourself or someone else. For example, you could sign up for individual sessions with a professional. This will provide you with a great deal of personal attention, but this is not for everyone since it can be very costly. Another route to take would be to go to some seminars or take classes that teach people how to practice and use hypnosis. Once again however, this may not be too practical because of the time commitments and travel that could be required. 

Taking this into account there are still other places to turn if you are interested in learning about hypnosis. One great option is to use the internet. With its easy and instant access to information from all over the world there is ample information to teach you all you wish to learn. Along with all this information there is also a wide variety of sources to find all this information, from fantastic “how-to” sites, to simple information sites, both can teach you everything you need know. 

How to Use These Sites

When you are trying to learn something as important as hypnosis you need to be careful where you get your information. This is a serious issue that needs cannot be overlooked. It’s important to have information that is accurate or you will not be able to perform the techniques correctly and thus will not receive the benefits. 

The best way to use the internet to learn hypnosis is to deciding what type of hypnosis you want to learn. For instance, do you want to learn how to hypnotize others or would you like to learn how to do self hypnosis techniques? If you’re not sure how you want to use hypnosis you can research the different types available and use this information to help you make a decision. One thing to look for are sites that offer scripts, videos and pictures that can make it easier to learn different technique of hypnosis. These are good choices as long as they are from a reputable site. (In addition, some sites may also send you videos or eBooks that can help teach you as well)

Things You Should Be Aware Of 

Of course if you are using the internet you are aware that there are many sites that give accurate information that you can trust but there are also ones that are not so reliable. There are also many scams on the internet that will take advantage of anyone that doesn’t know any better. You must be careful, do your research and learn about the type of hypnosis you are interested in first and then choose a site. This way you will be able to compare information and look for anything that doesn’t seem right. 

This means that you should use a site that can provide references so you can check out their credentials. You need to search for a site that offers the most instructions for the best price. You should also make sure you have a good reliable way to communicate with the instructors. There will be times when you need to ask questions and if you can’t reach them this can be very frustrating, so you should ask a lot of questions in advance and this will help you evaluate the type of service you will get from that site after signing up with them. 

In the end learning any type of hypnosis by using the Internet can be a challenge but with the right teachers it can be done. There is a good deal of information available that is free, but if you want to advance your knowledge then you may need to end up using a paid site. Most of these are affordable and can offer some very valuable information. So if you are serious about learning hypnosis on the internet, this may be the best way.

Best Market SEO

This article is actually a assessment of Visitors Magnet, on the web material distribution software program to support with your targeted traffic era. This normally requires the total software off your shoulders... and traffic generation turns into a issue of subject material creation only... and then, of program, having to pay the invoice. Even so, given that material distribution is time-intensive, it's also not cheap. Make sure you store all around.

two) Completely Automated Distribution Computer software - This is 1 way to conserve funds. Do the distribution by yourself, but use some kind of software program to get it completed. When we enter the planet of material distribution software program, we uncover two kinds of things: the fully automated and the partially automated. The completely automated software program basically does the work for you. You enter info the moment and off it goes, coming into your material into one particular web site following one more, and hopefully resulting in very good traffic era.

That sounds excellent, but there's a genuine difficulty right here: a lot of internet sites now have ways of rejecting routinely entered information, and Google has developed ways to inform regardless of whether material discovered by its spiders has been entered manually or automatically as nicely. This signifies that lately, use of entirely automated content material distribution software package can lead to content becoming rejected by specific websites, as effectively as Google refusing to index some subject material. There have been accessoire of Google and Yahoo ceasing to index selected internet sites right after they determined that individuals websites ended up trying targeted traffic era by way of absolutely automated methods

So... what's a mom to do?

Study on...

3) Partially Automated Distribution Software - Just lately, software has turn into offered that partially automates the process... generating it considerably faster and less difficult, whilst preserving ample "fingers-on" exercise to fulfill Google and any other individuals hunting carefully. Typically this means the software package holds your subject material offered, opens up the next website you want to submit to, and enters your subject material for you... rushing up the method. Nevertheless, at this stage the automation stops and you just take over, generating any modifications, customizing to suit the internet site alone, completing any "captcha's"... leaving a human footprint, in other phrases... and then transferring on to the subsequent web site. You're utilizing content distribution software to maximize your traffic generation efforts... but you are undertaking it in a way that genuinely just organizes your processes... streamlines them... and is appropriate to Google and the internet sites you are submitting to because you are still personally involved with each and every submission on some amount.

Site visitors Magnet: Continuously Updated Content Distribution Software program

Now, I'm someone who hates content distribution. It can drive me nuts, but I know if I want to obtain great traffic era, it's one thing I need to do. So I've have looked at every single conceivable way to avoid it, shorten it, make it less complicated, or eliminate it entirely. My conclusion is simple: if you can afford to outsource your content material distribution... do it. There is absolutely nothing improper with this choice and every little thing proper with it. If you can just take this complete problem off your visitors era plate by selecting it out at a sensible rate...

Website Design Tips for Improving Search Engine Rankings of a Website

Meta tags afford the visitor information on what to expect on your site. Meta tag generator tools assistance in the creation of meta tags to your site. The link building application is another common google search tool that helps when developing a site. This tool allows you to create links to other websites that helps you increase the traffic to your site. 

A website grade is also important to obtain information on what is going on in your site. In this way you are able to correct the mistakes and errors that are featured in your online site. SEO tools are with great importance to any kind of serious webmaster. It is therefore important for you to get these tools if you will be serious enough to use websites to produce money. These SEO tools are offered online and some of the best SEO tools will only cost you some dollars. You can also download the free optimization tools that exist online. With the right google search tools and skills are able to make a high quality site that will be highly ranked and get high traffic. 
Content writing services can give your enterprise the boost it must have, both in terms of more targeted traffic and better search engine results positioning. Whether you are just starting an online business, have taken your brick-and-mortar business on the web, or are a well used hand but need help where your web pages are concerned, a reputable content writing service will assist you to achieve success online. 

What article writing services know that the typical online business owner may well not 

Writing compelling web pages and articles is essential to your success online; the online market place is a very competitive arena for almost any business. However, some individuals know they need a website, and they want it to look delightful, have a great pattern, easy navigation, perhaps a video or other gadgets. If your content lacking in, all of these other stuff are simply a waste. 

What does an experienced content writing service know that you not? First of all, web pages need to offer value to your visitor; they should be interesting and compelling, inviting your reader to stay put instead of going off in quest of your competition. That becoming said, the words relating to the page must also end up optimized for keywords and keyword phrases, but you never want to engage in "keyword filling, " as this turns off not only your visitor, but the search engines will actually penalize you for this purpose. So, accomplishing just the right mix of information, entertainment and keyword optimization can be a task best left to the professionals. 

A talented content writer understands the benefit of great copy - everywhere 

Content writers that will be skilled in crafting that written word for online sites, articles and blogs know these things all work hand-in-hand. Your web pages are the main of all, your "online store" if you will. It is crucial this content delivers both with an SEO and human interest level. Articles, blog posts and press releases are other essential different parts of a successful online presence; by creating keyword wealthy text links from these other sources to your website, you will experience some sort of gradual increase in targeted traffic and search engine rankings over time.

Selasa, 06 November 2012

Is It Possible For You To Become A Leader In Network Marketing?

The Network Marketing Industry is growing worldwide at a very accelerated pace right now. In the last few years, I managed to analyze what most people objections were. Living in an eastern-european country, I have dealt with more scepticism that you could ever imagine and yet I've never felt discouraged in any way.

I've seriously wondered why many people consider network marketing a scam. I've tried to look at things from their point of view and came up with the three most concerning scenarios:

1. "Network Marketing only wants to rip people off!"
Well, what can I say to that? This is what lazybones say and you can't do anything about that... they just know "what the catch is"! You can try to make them understand the awesome potential all day and night, they are not going to believe in anything that involves months or years of personal development. Pyramid, scam, end of story!

2. "The only persons that are big earners in the network marketing industry have been there since the beginning!"
Believe it or not, I personally know an MLM distributor that recently sponsored 117 people in one day! I'm talking about viral exposure on the internet and an extraordinary leader, but this proves that no matter what moment you choose to get into a network marketing business, there is absolutely nothing that can stand in your way if you put heart and passion into it.

3. "The Network Marketing Industry is uncertain and where is the monthly salary after all?"
This is the "9 to 5" employee point of view. No action that implies uncertainity is ever worth-taking. You can instantly tell that these people have never read Robert Kiyosaki's "Cashflow Quadrant" and have no intent to change their lifestyle. The truth is that to be successful you have to be extremely focused and to plan your daily actions very carefully, and that is a thing procrastionators will never do.

It all comes from the way you are programming your mind. If you don't visualize your future as you want it to be, if you don't write down what you hope to achieve, if you don't set your short-term and long-term goals, nothing's going to happen.

Think positive and act right now! Network marketing is the ideal way to live a prosperous life and it doesn't take that much to get on the right path. All it takes is commitment and finding one good mentor who can inspire you to really get things going. Life transformation is just a matter of making a few subtle changes!

Tips to Improve Your Decision-Making Skills as an Entrepreneur

When you're arguing with a co-worker or an employee, it is vital that you concede important points when they are true. Failing to do so will not only set a bad precedent, but it will ultimately make you appear worse than if you had humbly accepted your mistake.

Tip #1 - Cultivate a Willingness to Succeed in Those Around You

Business culture is driven by the network in which it is embedded. If you want to cultivate a culture of success and confidence, then you must be sure that you exude confidence and success and inspire it in others.

Tip #2 - Don't Hang Your Hat on Delusional Visions of Overnight Success

While it can be comforting to dream big about your future, having delusions about your success is purely detrimental. It will cause you to set unreasonable goals and attempt to live up to unrealistic expectations.

Tip #3 - Affirm Yourself and Your Choices

In business, you will have to make many difficult decisions. Instead of constantly second-guessing your decisions, take time to affirm your choices periodically, so that you do become overwhelmed by self-doubt.

Tip #4 - Find Time to Give Yourself a Break

In addition to working hard, the successful know to take breaks, too. Without breaks, we have no way to clear our minds, re-energize, and prepare for the task that faces us.

5 Tips For Selecting The Right Leasing Company For Your Equipment Finance Needs

Partnering is more often than not the right thing. Bad partnerships don't work and can adversely of course affect your business. That's why it is so important to select the right firm to originate your equipment finance needs. 

The right leasing company on a long term basis will ensure that you are investing properly in the assets you need to run your business for your customer base.

Let's look at 5 key tips we can provide you to ensure you are putting the right financial strategy in place around asset acquisition. Successfully working and negotiating through these tips with the right leasing partner guarantees you business equipment lease financing success.

Its all about getting approved of course , and getting an approval quite frankly is the biggest decision your lessor has to make around the transaction - that approval can be significantly influenced by yourself - it is important to present both the positives around your firms financials, as well as the challenge you may have, or may be facing, 

Chance of getting approved is significantly reduced if negative information about your firm or its financials arises after your submission. Factors that affect your approval are your time in business, your ability to have sourced financing in the past - i.e. other lessors, banks, etc. Other key areas of focus are trade references and the ability of the owners to demonstrate they run their personal lives in a fiscally responsible manner also. This is usually accomplished by the lessor drawing a credit bureau report. On transactions over 50,000.00$, as a general rule financial statements are required, and areas of focus will be your overall balance sheet health and the ability to generate positive cash flow to repay the lease .

Lets move on to rate, we are never under surprised with how much our clients focus solely on rate and their ability to drive down the lessors yield . In Canada leasing equipment is very competitive, and all we can say is that if you have presented your financials properly the market will ensure you have a competitive rate. Naturally you can spend all the time in the world securing a ' better deal ', but consider management time and total savings. A quick example: If you leased a 75k piece of production equipment and were quoted a rate of 10.25% and you spent a lot of time in sourcing another quote, re submitting your financials to a new firm, etc , and got a rate of 10.00% you would be saving twenty dollars a month. We'll let you decide the value of your time.

We have covered off credit approval and rates, Documentation are important also. You should be prepared to provide a proper invoice or quote to the lessor, as well as a certificate of insurance. The equipment lease and your acceptance of delivery are key to the lease commencement. Smaller transaction in Canada has been greatly simplified, so you should typically be provided with a one or two page lease agreement. Larger transactions are of course more complex.

The type of lease you choose and your analysis of the lease versus buy decision is also a key area of focus. Look at your cash flow Vis Vis payments you will make on a lease versus a loan basis. As a general rule leasing tends to be more expensive, but is easier to obtain and is less of a drain on your cash flow. 

Two is the magic number. There are two types of leases you should inquire about, a full payout capital lease, as well as an operating lease where use of the asset is more important than owning the asset.

Your overall lease financing decision should be focused on a very simple question - namely:
- is the asset acquisition important to your business profitability and productivity. If new assets and proper financing position your business for competitiveness you have made the right financing decision. 

We have covered off 5 key areas in the selection of a leasing company in the equipment finance area. If you find the information and the challenge overwhelming speak to a trusted, credible and experienced business financing advisor who will help you achieve lease financing that meets your goals.

How partnership is a right business option for you

They say that two people are better than one for everything whether it is business or life. For all possible reasons, two people are certainly able to achieve more than an individual can due to working together by sharing their knowledge and wisdom. It has also been proven practically as most of the successful companies are launched on partnership basis. Apparently, you may see one person in limelight but at the backend, another person is working to complement and motivate the other to get things done in an efficient way. Most of the successful solo-entrepreneurs may not agree to the idea of business partnership but it is nonetheless preferred form of business for many. 

The following article describes how partnership makes can make a B2B trade successful. 
• When two people get together for a business partnership, they do not just share profits but they share also responsibilities, make use of each other's unique skills and discuss ideas to be successful. 
• Sometimes, individuals have motivation and skills but they do not have the opportunity to excel. Partnership is a natural fit to work together where one partner gets the platform and the other gets to benefit from new skills. In this way, both can reach to their customers with better and high quality offers.
• Accountability is another important element of getting things done in an accurate manner and leading business towards the path of success. It is a huge motivation to become responsible to another partner besides yourself. You might be responsible yourself but having someone else besides you, makes you accountable and so you have to keep a check on your performance, meet deadlines and perform operations efficiently. You do not want be the reason for letting your business down. This attitude of your can instigate other to work just as hard as you. 

When to look for partnership?
Following are some situations where you should decide whether you need to go for partnership or go on flying solo.
• If you lack particular skills but do not have any way out to get work done then you must think of partnership. Partnership is a great option when it can bring amazing results, superior Wholesale Products and create something better than being individuals. However be careful with this, if you can outsource the task then do not go for partnership.
• Bear in mind, most of the stable and established B2B traders do not prefer you to be their partner if you are a new entrant or not established. However, for a new entrant, partnership with a strong B2B entrepreneur is the quickest and easiest route to success. Before opting partnership, make sure you have certain skills that can attract established wholesalers to pick you as partner. 
• If you are an established B2B trader then you must pick this partnership option only if you find someone with great ideas or has some innovative technology to create new wholesale products or a system that applies to your industry. Certainly, money is the motive to join hands with a partner but you must consider other aspects as well before partnering up with anyone.

Partnership can be a critical decision for your business so be very careful and consider every option before letting anyone be a partner in yourWholesale Trade business.

Senin, 05 November 2012


Imaam Abu Abdullah; Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R.A) was born in Baghdad, where a great number of scholars and muhadditheen were present. Imaam Ahmad (R.A) traveled far and wide in order to acquire knowledge. During the period of acquiring knowledge Imaam Ahmad (R.A) made every effort to practice upon every prophetic tradition. 
Imaam Ahmad (R.A) was well known for his God-fearing and abstinent ways, for these reasons he was top-rated amongst the great people of his time. 
Amongst Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) literary works Kitaabul-Musnad (Musnade-Ahmad) is the most popular. A total number of 40 000 Ahaadeeth have been recorded. 

NAME AND GENEALOGY: Imaam Ahmed Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hanbal Ibn Hilaal Ibn As’ad Ibn Idrees Ibn Abdullah Ibn Hayyaan Ibn Abdullah Ibn Anas. 


YEAR AND PLACE OF BIRTH: During the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal 164 A.H, Imaam Ahmad (R.A) was born in Baghdad. Following a short while after his birth, Imaam Ahmad (R.A) Ibn Hanbal’s father took leave from this world. Imaam Ahmad (R.A) himself has reported, "Neither have I seen my father, nor my grandfather. My mother brought me up." 

ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE: During his childhood days Imaam Ahmad (R.A) acquired basic teachings at a Maktab. It was from these very days his good character, pious and scholastic ways were recognised. 
Abu Afeef (R.A) has reported, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R.A) was within our learning group at the Maktab. At that time he was very young, and we, as students were aware of his piety. 
Having acquired basic teachings, at the age of 16, Imaam Ahmad (R.A) commenced the teachings of ahaadith, which was done within the teaching circles of Qaazi Abu Yusuf (R.A). 
Having acquired knowledge from the great scholars and Muhadditheen of Baghdad, Imaam Ahmad (R.A) further traveled to Kufa, Basrah, Makkah, Medina, Yemen, Syria etc, and acquired knowledge from their great scholars. 

Ismaa'eel Ibn Ulayyah, Hushaym Ibn Basheer, Hammad Ibn Khaalid Khayyaat, Mansoor Ibn Salama Khazaa'i, Uthmaan Ibn Umar Ibn Faaris, Abun-Nadhr Haashim Ibn Qaasim, Yazeed Ibn Haroon Waasiti, Muhammad Ibn Ja'far Gundur, Wakee Ibn Jarrah, Abu Usaamah, Sufyaan Ibn Uyaynah, Muhammad Ibn Idrees Shaafi'ee (R.A) etc. 

Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) two sons; Saalih and Abdullah, Hanbal Ibn Is'haaq, Hasan Ibn Sabbah Bazzar, Abbas Ibn Muhammad , Muhammad Ibn Ismaa'eel Bukhari, Abu Zur'aa Raazi, Ibrahim Harabi, Husayn Ibn Mansoor, Dawood Ibn Amr, Khalaf Ibn Hishaam, Abul Qaasim Bagawi. 

1. Kitaabul Musnad ( Musnad-e-Ahmad ). 
2. Kitaabut Tafseer. 
3. Kitaabun Naasikh Wal Mansookh. 
4. Kitaabut Taareekh. 
5. Kitaabu Hadeeth-e-Shu'baa. 
6. Kitaabul Muqaddam Wal Mu'akhar Fil Qur'aan. 
7. Kitaabu Jawaabaatil Qur'aan. 
8. Kitaabul Manaasikil Kabeer. 
9. Kitaabul Manaasikis Sagheer. 
Imaam Nadeem (R.A) has mentioned the following to be amongst Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) literary works: 
Kitaabul Ilal. 
Kitaabul Manaasik. 
Kitaabuz Zuhd 
Kitaabul Imaan. 
Kitaabul Masaa'il 
Kitaabul Ashribah. 
Kitaabul Fadhaa'il 
Kitaabu Taa'atir Rasool. 
Kitaabul Faraa'idh 
Kitaabur Radd Alal Jahmiyyah. 

Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) children: 
1. Saalih, ( born from Imaam Ahmad's first wife Aa'isha ). 
2. Abdullah, ( born from Imaam Ahmad's second wife Rayhaanah ). 
The following were born from a slave girl Imaam Ahmad (R.A) purchased: 
3. Zainab Umme Ali. 
4. / 5. Hasan and Husayn, ( twins, who passed away shortly after birth). 
6. Hasan. 
7. Muhammad. 
8. Saeed. 

1. Zuhayr Ibn Saalih. 
2. Ahmad Ibn Saalih. 

IMAAM AHMAD'S (R.A) FATEFUL DEATH: In Rabi-ul-Awwal, nine days before his death on the 2nd, Imaam Ahmad (R.A) fell ill. During these days crowds of people would gather in order to greet Imaam Ahmad (R.A). Hence, two days before his death Imaam Ahmad (R.A) slowly requested for young children to be brought by his bedside. Children would attend his bedside one by one. Imaam Ahmad (R.A) would place his hand on their heads and weep. 
However, on Thursday Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) situation worsened and on Friday morning on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, Imaam Ahmad (R.A) took leave from this world. 
Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) fateful death not only caused grief to Muslims, but also to Jews, Christians and Fire-worshippers. Over 600,000 people attended the Janaaza prayer, and for one week Salaate-Janaazah was offered at his grave. Imaam Ahmad (R.A) was 77 years of age when he took leave from this world. 

(To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.) 

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